Photographer Akila Ninomiya recently traveled to Japan and captured dozens of amazing 360 degree panoramas of the damage.
There are three ways to view these panoramas.
1 -- From inside of Google Earth, make sure you have the "Photos" layer turned on and then fly to one of the cities in Japan that has some of these panoramas: Rikuzen-Takada, Kamaishi, Osawa, Miyako, Settai, and Omoto. You'll see some orange colored placemarks to indicate each panorama.
2 -- Use this KML file to see only the new post-earthquake panoramas, which makes it quite easy to get to them.
3 -- Head over to Mr. Ninomiya's page on 360cities and you can view them right on their site.
This is a great example of a talented photographer and an innovate website working together with the tools provided by Google to make amazing imagery available to the rest of the world.
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